The story of TRUE NORTH

Where to start when sharing my personal story of health and healing? The story, the path, and the journey that helped to create awareness and a deeper understanding of who I am… my passion, and my purpose. My goal: to live my happiest and most authentic self in this life. A journey inward toward the discovery of my TRUE NORTH.

Caring for others is innate, 2nd nature, and how I am uniquely designed. Call it my divine design, it cannot be separated from my being, but it was through years of this caring for others that I lost sight of myself. My enthusiasm, energy, and happiness shifted… my light was dimmed. After 25 years, I left my career as a home care geriatric Occupational Therapist and unknowingly stepped out onto the rocky path of self-discovery. The path led me through some shadows, where parts of me were hiding and I invited myself back into the light. Healing myself in the light has restored my essence so that I can again go back to living out my passion for caring for others.

I did not traverse the rocky path alone and it is my hope that you choose to be supported on your path, bumpy and beautiful. If you have a felt sense of walking alongside me on your path, together we can help to unearth your TRUE NORTH.

At the intersection of the desire to be whole and the willingness to trust the process, the path to healing is unearthed.